Lost in the Cosmos
Thoughts on friendship, community, and identity in my corner of a Postmodern American Christian world. Don't be surprised to see other topics occasionally appearing here too. I'm a big fan of the "Interconnectedness of All Things."
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
I have been receiving pressure to start blogging again for about, oh, two years. Well, after an hour struggling to remember my old user name and password, then updating my information only to discover it was the wrong user name... Yes, I am not the most computer savy individual on this planet. suffice it to say that I persevered and have now returned to my electronic haven.
Only to discover!!
That my last post of over a year ago had a couple dozen XXX replies!! I know that I am to blame for not policing my site, but come on now! How amazingly bored and lost must people be to post this trash to random sites?
So, my first act of this night was to find the delete button. Now I need to check the rest of my old posts...
Anyway folks, I'm back and have a large enough group of people with big sticks standing behind me that I should continue to write from now on. Next post should have something worth reading.