Discovery of RSS
I still don't know what RSS stands for.
I was simply amazed by the speed that my last post received replies and verbal comments. Who would keep coming back to my blog that I post to once in a blue moon? Thanks to Paul, now I know. I also have less of an excuse not to read other blogs...
The biggest surprises from my last post were the concerned questions of suicide from a couple friends. I just reread the post and can see how the last line could point that way. The "not contributing to the sadness in the world" was in reference to my writing, NOT my life.
Major thanks to the replies. They help tremendously.
-Limiting the writing duration to help prevent endless dwelling in ... muck. Plus so much more. (Who is able to sum up Gary's ideas other than Gary?)
-Experiencing the sadness is good, but "don't stop in hell..."
-Allowing the sadness to flow onto the page where it remains
Thank you all
Google is your friend... (as are others)
RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.
You might not remember me...but we both were in a few plays together. Just sayin' hey and hoping it's cool if I add a link to your blog on mine.
I haven't read much of your blog, but I'm hoping to in the near future.
Take care man!
I really don't what it is either. People can spell out what it stands for and it doesn't matter. It's beyond me. Technology is magic!
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