Lost in the Cosmos

Thoughts on friendship, community, and identity in my corner of a Postmodern American Christian world. Don't be surprised to see other topics occasionally appearing here too. I'm a big fan of the "Interconnectedness of All Things."

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Scout of the Week

I'm sorry for delaying this much anticipated picture for several days. I have many excuses, few of them worth using. Suffice it to say that I have been a tad overwhelmed by "life" recently. This looks like a roughly stock Scout II that a tree decided to fall on. Considering that the root ball is still attached to the tree, I'm guessing high winds or some idiot with a shovel and a tractor. These trucks were built strong, so it is conceivable that this really happend even though there is no serious denting to our heroic Scout. I would think that this was staged except the branches are still whole as opposed to being broken by first crashing into, and then being dragged across the ground.Posted by Hello


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